Home Television Trailers SDCC 2016: ‘Arrow’ season five trailer promises new ‘Team Arrow’
SDCC 2016: ‘Arrow’ season five trailer promises new ‘Team Arrow’

SDCC 2016: ‘Arrow’ season five trailer promises new ‘Team Arrow’


Laurel Lance was taken from Oliver Queen, and he’ll never be the same again. Now Star City’s greatest vigilante is moving into the political sphere, and adopting a new public face. But does that mean his vigilante days are over? If we know Oliver, not a chance.

The brand new trailer for Arrow season five, released as a part of Comic-Con 2016, promises a brand new ‘Team Arrow’, as well as a mysterious new villain who appears to be a part of the League of Shadows. Check it out below:

Season five of Arrow will premiere on October 5, 2016.