Home Movie Trailers The God of Thunder returns in ‘Thor: Ragnarok’
The God of Thunder returns in ‘Thor: Ragnarok’

The God of Thunder returns in ‘Thor: Ragnarok’


Chris Hemsworth returns as the God of Thunder in Taika Waititi’s cosmic action extravaganza Thor: Ragnarok.

The latest trailer was released as a part of this year’s San Diego Comic Con celebrations and looks to be a whole lotta fun. Check it out below:

Here’s the synopsis:

Held captive on the alien world of Sakaar without his hammer, Thor (Hemsworth), must win a gladiatorial fight against his former ally – The Hulk (Mark Ruffolo) – in order to escape Sakaar and return to Asgard to combat the forces of Hela (Cate Blanchett), as she intends to unleash Ragnarok upon Asgard.

Building on the elements of the previous trailer which dropped earlier this year, the new trailer focuses in on the growing bromance between Hemsworth’s Thor and Mark Ruffalo’s Bruce Banner/Hulk. Finding themselves lost on an alien world, the two of them have to fight it out in the ring before coming together alongside the noble Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson) and Thor’s treacherous half-brother Loki (Tom Hiddleston) to defeat new arch-villain Hela (Blanchett).

Waititi appears to have gone for a massive sense of scale with this cosmic set action spectacle, and there are plenty of different villains and baddies for Thor and his plucky team to battle. Chief among them is Blanchett’s Hela, who is sporting a surly Old-English accent and one very spiky headpiece as she seizes control of Asgard and plans to unleash the fabled Ragnarok.

The Marvel Universe has long been waiting for a female villain and they sure hit the jackpot with Blanchett’s casting. Not only is she exceedingly powerful, but her cunning and intelligence are sure to get the better of the noble Thor. Standing beside Hela is Karl Urban as her fearsome lieutenant Skurge, and then there is the delightful Jeff Goldblum as the very colourful Grandmaster.

Thor: Ragnarok looks like one wild-ride and will arrive in theatres on October 26 in New Zealand and Australia, and on November 3 in the US and UK.