Home Television Recaps ‘The Terminal List’ – ‘Consolidation’ – Review
‘The Terminal List’ – ‘Consolidation’ – Review

‘The Terminal List’ – ‘Consolidation’ – Review


First blood has been shed in Navy SEAL James Reece’s (Chris Pratt) quest for vengeance, but this is only the beginning, and his clandestine war is only set to grow in Episode Three of The Terminal List, ‘Consolidation’.

James Reece (Chris Pratt) is drawn deeper into a complex conspiracy and puts a new name on his list. Meanwhile, Secretary of Defense Lorraine Hartley (Jeanne Tripplehorn) announces a drastic policy overhaul to help Special Operators. And Katie (Constance Wu) discovers the truth of what’s going on in Reece’s head.

Aware that his targeting for execution was no mere act of war, Navy SEAL James Reece is out for blood and the conspiracy that he’s an unwilling participant in is beginning to grow ever larger. Having marked the first name off his ‘terminal list’, Reece rendezvous with both investigative journalist Katie Brunark (Constance Wu) and his best friend and former SEAL teammate Ben Edwards (Taylor Kitsch) to find his answers. But nothing goes according to plan, and Reece has to make his way on the run as he seeks out answers in ‘Consolidation’.

Director M. J. Bassett keeps the action moving fast, and intertwines the episode’s explosive thrills with the series’ burgeoning twisting narrative, and ‘Consolidation’ makes for a pulse-pounding watch. From targetted assassinations to the revelation of the puppet masters and what could be the truth, Chris Pratt is kept on his feet as Reece and he has to move quickly. Bassett has an eye for detail and this is levelled in both the series production detail and the action that unfolds. One of the coolest montages of the episode comes when Reece is assembling his war kit in his war room bunker at his house and we see him load out his kit including the likes of a full-auto M4 Carbine, 12-gauge automatic shotgun, an assortment of Sig Saurs and the infamous Winkler tomahawks that have become a staple of Jack Carr’s writing, and the Reece character.

‘Consolidation’ is an important episode as we see Reece actively pursue his vengeance. While he’s already drawn first blood, that first target felt more like an accidental circumstance, rather than a direct target mission. And that’s exactly where ‘Consolidation’ picks up. While shocking revelations of this conspiracy come to light, soon the action steps up and the gunfire cracks off. Pratt shows some considerable gun skills and he’s completely operational as Reece, and it’s a lot of fun as an audience member to watch him go to work. Fast-paced shootouts follow and keep your eyes open for a very special cameo from the man behind Reece, Jack Carr himself.

The narrative moves quickly in ‘Consolidation’ and we get to see Reece and Ben work closer together, as Reece’s new mission comes to light. Present to this is the appearance of two new bad guys that have made it onto Reece’s list. And they’re both in need of being taken out. Stepping into the centre of the screen as billionaire finance bro and wannabe tier-one operator Steve Horn is Jai Courtney. And he’s a solid bit of casting. Best defined by an equal dose of aggression and narcissism, Horn is the CEO of Capstone Industries, a high-level venture capital firm that has taken an interest in Reece. Courtney rocks the part as the slick-suited Horn and he’s a guy with a serious ego and natural temper that marks him out as a quintessential bad guy who’s only it in for his own end.

Then there’s Sean Gunn, Pratt’s long-time Guardians of the Galaxy co-star who makes an appearance in ‘Consolidation’ as Horn’s lackey, Capstone VP Sal Agnon. An unpleasant and repugnant individual, Agnon is instantly unlikeable and Gunn brings out the character’s wormy quality to perfection. Sent to haggle the price of a pharmaceutical company that Horn intends to sell off, Agnon finds himself added to Reece’s list. And it’s not a warm conversation. Violent and terrifying, director M. J. Bassett brings a horror edge to this episode as Reece goes to work on Agnon, and it’s an interaction that will take audiences by surprise. In this moment we see Reece’s inner monster begin to come out and he makes for an incredibly dangerous presence in ‘Consolidation’.

Episode Three of The Terminal List, ‘Consolidation’ is the audience’s first real taste of the intensity of this series, and Reece is a character with bite. Moving forward, Reece has a choice in front of him, answers or blood….and he’s made his decision.

The Terminal List is currently streaming on Prime Video.

Image: Prime Video