‘She Said’ – Review
It was a crime that shocked the world and an event that garnered a worldwide movement and now the incredible true story of two women who were willing to put it all on the line to see the truth told comes to light in She Said.
The New York Times journalists Megan Twohey (Carey Mulligan) and Jodi Kantor (Zoe Kazan) publish a report that exposes sexual abuse allegations against powerful Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein. The shocking story also serves as a launching pad for the #MeToo movement, shattering decades of silence around the subject of sexual assault and harassment.
Based on the true-life work of New York Times journalists Megan Twohey (Carey Mulligan) and Jodi Kantor (Zoe Kazan), She Said is a powerful story of investigative journalism and how the truth always shines through. Directed by Maria Schrader from a screenplay by Rebecca Lenkiewicz, She Said is the tireless story of how Twohey and Kantor, two-star reporters for The New York Times decided to risk everything to bring to light shocking allegations of abuse and misconduct. And this is a film that hits very hard. Tracking a months-long battle to bring to light the abuse of former star Hollywood producer, and now convicted rapist and criminal, Harvey Weinstein to light, She Said is a film told with passion and integrity and director Maria Schrader gives the film a real documentary edge as she gets into the graft and details that lie at the heart of investigative journalism.
Standing together as the film’s leads are Carey Mulligan and Zoe Kazan as Twohey and Kantor, and each of these actresses is steadfast in their dedication to getting the truth of this story up on the big screen. As working mothers with limited resources, who are facing mounting pressures, and twists at every turn to get the facts right, Mulligan and Kazan slip into their roles with ease, and you soon only see them as their central characters. Diligent, factual and dedicated to seeing that justice prevails for the hundreds of women that Weinstein preyed upon, Mulligan and Kazan’s portrayal of these women is a true testament to their character and dedication, and you’ll sit up and take notice of these two performances.
She Said is a true-life story that plays with the tone and pace of a high-stakes thriller, and with this story, the prize couldn’t be higher. Facing down scrutiny and a subject who will do whatever he has to chew his way out of trouble, Mulligan and Kazan as Twohey and Kantor find themselves in some very dangerous places, and this narrative will keep the audience dialled in right to the final frame. While we know how it ends, the journey to see justice done makes for an intense ride from beginning to end. The actresses, alongside Schrader and Lenkiewicz, work hard to keep the action of this narrative truthful and authentic and She Said makes for a very intelligent piece of cinema.
She Said is a testament to the passion and integrity of the journalism artform, and this film will open your eyes to the work and energy that was required to see justice done.
Image: Universal Pictures