Mia Wasikowska returns as the adventurous Alice in Alice Through the Looking Glass and finds herself on a daring journey to save the life of her dearest friend, The Mad Hatter (Johnny Depp), from the ravages of Time himself. Wasikowska once again commands the screen as the headstrong and independent Alice Kingsleigh, who in the […]
Five Reasons To Watch ‘Crimson Peak’
Get Ready For The Terror Of Crimson Peak
A brand new trailer for Guillermo del Toro’s gothic horror tale Crimson Peak has arrived, and it is bloody scary! Set in Crumbia, in a crumbling mansion in a largely rural and mountainous region of northern England in the 19th century, young author Edith Cushing (Mia Wasikowska) discovers that her charming new husband Sir Thomas […]